Online materials list and these remote access


E-journal Search
APC discount information
E book Search
NAIST constracting online journals, online books and data bases can be permitted only NAIST members to access on-campus network.
Some of them are available off-campus.
This mark means that the titles are available to access Gakunin authentication, you can access with your mandara account from off-campus network.
One time password is required when using the authentication system from off-campus networks. Please see "Setting one-time passwords with IdP" [NAIST members only] in The Information Initiative Center(ITC) HP.
This mark means if you create publisher's account with on-campus network, you can access from off-campus network for a certain period. [NAIST members only]
This mark means that the titles are available to access via VPN.
For the detailed informations about VPN settings, please see "Using Mandara Network from Off-Campus via VPN" [NAIST members only] in The Information Initiative Center(ITC) HP.
This mark means that authors (NAIST members) have a discount of APC (Article Processing Charge) to make the articles open access.
How to use Digitized Journals at NAIST
To view full-text articles (PDF version), you will need Adobe Reader software.
Please click here to download the Adobe Reader software.

Publisher or Provider Title of E-journal, E-book, Databases
NAIST Contracting info Back number Remote access Note
American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Science
Contracting titles:
Includes backfile of "Science"
American Chemical Society (ACS) ACS publications (+ Legacy Archives)
Consortium contract (-Dec. 31 2024).
64 titles. Title list
Contracting "ACS Legacy archive"
Pair your device for off-campus access
American Institute of Physics (AIP) American Institute of Physics Journals
Contracting titles : Physics today Contracted titles:
Applied Physics Letters (1999-2022)
Journal of Applied Physics (2008-2016)
Journal of Chemical Physics (2003-2013)
American Physical Society (APS) APS Journals
Contracting (-Dec. 31 2024) "APS journals" all titles (Title list) Contracting archives (PROLA)
American Society for Microbiology (ASM) ASM Journals
Applied and Environmental Microbiology
Journal of Bacteriology
OA after 6 months
OA after 1 year : "Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews#
Annual Reviews Annual Reviews
Title list
Contracting electronic back volume collection (All title: Vol.1- five years before) To see the latest 5 years, need current subscription
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) ACM Digital Library
Consortium contract (-Dec. 31 2024).
"ACM Digital Library" all titles and "Online Guide to Computing Literature" are available.
69 journals, 7 magazines, 37 newsletters, 6 co-publishing journals, and about 1400 proceedings.
ACM Digital Library title list (link to ACM)
Includes backfile
Cambridge University Press (CUP) Cambridge Core
Introduction to Malliavin Calculus
The Principles of Deep Learning Theory
CAS (Chemical Abstracts Service) CAS SciFinder-n
Chemical and material database

Access on-campus network to register at the first time.
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press
Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology
EBSCO Industries EBSCO host
EBSCO Ebook collection (e-book)
Shibboleth login
How to use
Elsevier Science Direct
Contracting 6 "Subject Collections" and indivisual titles.(-Mar. 31 2025).
Title list
ScienceDirect Online Tutorials

Cell Press
Title list the latest 12 months - Current : contracting title only
1995 - after 12 monthes : open
the first issue - 1994 : charged
Research analytic tool
Contracting Titles:
IEEE-CSDL all titles
IEEE network
Magazines and Transactions : the first issue - Current
Proceedings : 1995 - Current
2005 - Current
IEEE Computer Society IEEE CS
Contracting "IEEE CS digital library" all titles (-Mar. 31 2025) (Title list) IEEE-CSDL titles are also available in IEEE-Xplore site. Magazines and Transactions : the first issue - Current
Proceedings : 1995 - Current

To log in via Shibboleth, access from the IEEE Xplore.
IOP publishing IOP science
Contracting Titles:
Japanese Journal of Applied physics
the International Union of Crystallography IUCr
Contracting title:
Acta Crystallographica, D
Other titles are included Wiley STM collection, all titles are available both IUCr and Wiley online library.
Contructing titles are accessible all back issues.Others are within "Wiley online library", (1997 - Current)
J-stage IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems
Contracting title:
IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems
JoVE JoVE : Journal of Visualized Experiments
Science Video Journals.
Contracting field : Biology
The following videos are also available as bonus tracks
JoVE Science Education Basic Methods in Cellular and Molecular Biology
The MIT Press MIT Press Journals
Contracted titles:
Neural Computation (1998-2016)
PRESENCE: Virtual and Augmented Reality (2005-2014)
National Academy of Science Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS)
Contracting title:
After 6 months - open
Nature (Springer-Nature) Nature
Contracting (-Dec. 31 2024)
Title list
"Nature" : 1974 - Current
(contracting "Nature archive 1974-1996")
Nature Research Journals : 1998-current

Some of the Nature Academic Journals become open access since 1 or 5 years passed.
(Contracting: "Oncogene")
NII (National Institute of Informatics) CiNii Research
e-resource repository. The conditions for feature availability are determined by the licensing agreements with participating publishers.
Kluwer online
Oxford University Press
Springer Online Journal Archive
Taylor & Francis online

Oxford University Press (OUP) Oxford Journals
Contracting 234 titles. (-Dec. 31 2024).
Title list
2000 - current Contracting archive full collection. Archives are not available on Oxford Journals website, but on NII-REO
Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) Royal Society of Chemistry
No current contract

Contraced title: Chemical Communication (1997-2002,2005-2022)
Springer (Springer Nature) SpringerLink
e-book Backfile Package: 1074 titles (as of Jan. 2016) (1997 - 2015)
Title list

(contracting archives : the first isuue - 1999)
Archives are also available NII-REO
Taylor & Francis Taylor & Francis Online
Contracting titles : Molecular and Cellular Biology
Wiley (John Wiley & Sons) Wiley Online Library
Contracting STM (Science, Technical & Medical) collection (832 titles, as of Sep. 2023) and individual titles. (-Dec. 31 2024)
Title list
1997 - Current
World Scientific WorldScientific
e-book Contracted title:
International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (2001-2016)
Parallel processing letters (2001-2011)
Informatics Square

Contracting titles:
IPSJ Magazine
IPSJ Journals
IPSJ Transactions

Contracting titles:
IEICE transactions on fundamentals of electronics, communications and computer sciences:A (Eng, Jpn)
IEICE transactions on communications:B (Eng, Jpn)
IEICE transactions on electronics:C (Eng, Jpn)
IEICE transactions on information and systems:D (Eng, Jpn)
Journal of IEICE
Nikkei BP
The physical society of Japan
JSP Journals
Contracting titles:
Journal of the physical Society of Japan

You can make account with NAIST domain e-mail.
Maruzen eBook Library
How to use

If you cannot access the title with via VPN

To use e-journals via VPN, IPv4 connecting is necessary.
It need to change the network settings on the OS.[How to stop IPv6

If you still cannnot connect e-journals, please send the following informations via e-mail to lib-is.
  • For Windows, open "Command Prompt" (Select Start menu → Programs → Accessories → Command Prompt),
    • tracert the host name you cannnot access
      [i.e.] tracert
      If the E-journal site is "",
      the host name is "".
    • ipconfig /all
    • route print
    • nslookup hostname
  • For Mac OS X, open "Terminal"
    • traceroute the host name you cannnot access
      [i.e.] traceroute
      If the E-journal site is "",
      the host name is "".
    • ifconfig -a
    • netstat -nr
    • dig "the host name"
  • For other OS,
    • Informations about network interfaces
    • Informations about Communication Route
    • The IP address you received from DNS
NAIST digital library
Digital Library Section
About E-journals, E-books, Database g-serv
About Shibboleth, VPN lib-is
