Japan Journal of Food Engineering (JJFE) is an academic journal published by the Japan Society for Food Engineering that covers food engineering and related areas.

JJFE is a SCOPUS indexed, open access journal published quarterly (Print ISSN:1345-7942, Online ISSN:1884-5924). JJFE is a blind peer-reviewed journal. Upon receiving the manuscript prepared according to our journal style, the editor will send it to the reviewers. Average time from the submission to the first decision is 30 days or less.

After it is accepted for publication, the invoice for the page charge will be sent to the corresponding author. Once we confirm the payment, we will start making the galley proof. As we have the online early view system, the final version is displayed soon after receipt of the corrected proofs.

Page charges are required in order for publication in JJFE. This is needed in order to maintain JJFE as an open-access journal. 2 pages or less 12,000 JPY, 3 pages 15,000 JPY, 4 pages 18,000 JPY, 5 pages 21,000 JPY 6 pages 24,000 JPY, 7 pages 30,000 JPY, 8 pages 36,000 JPY (If the manuscript is not accepted for publication, the authors do not have to pay.)
収録数 617本
(更新日 2024/04/27)
Online ISSN : 1884-5924
Print ISSN : 1345-7942
ISSN-L : 1345-7942
ジャーナル 査読 フリー HTML 早期公開
月間アクセス数ランキング (2024年03月)