Journal titleGelar : Jurnal Seni Budaya
AbbreviationGelar J. Sen. Bud.
Frequency2 issues per year
DOIprefix 10.33153
ISSN1410-9700 (print) | 2655-9153 (online)
Editor-in-chiefTaufik Murtono
Publisher Institut Seni Indonesia Surakarta
Citation AnalysisGaruda, Ind One Search, WorldCatGoogle Scholar, Index Copernicus

Gelar : Jurnal Seni Budaya draws its contributions from academics and practitioner-researchers at the interface of new visual and performing arts. It acts as a forum for critical scholarship, innovative practice, and creative pedagogy, addressing visual arts and performing arts or situated at the convergence of two or more disciplines.

The journal invites original, significant, and rigorous inquiry into all subjects within or across disciplines related to theoretical and empirical research in the Arts and Culture. The journal welcomes the submission of manuscripts with the theoretical or empirical aspects from the following broad categories:

Arts category includes the following fields:

  • Visual arts 
  • Performing arts
  • The journal also welcomes articles from literary arts, art history, and other art issues.

Cultural aspects in arts include the following fields:

  • Art and Anthropology
  • Art and Archeology
  • Art and Communication
  • Art and Cultural studies
  • Art and Development studies
  • Art and Education
  • Art and History
  • Art and Journalism
  • Art and Language
  • Art and Law
  • Art and Library science
  • Art and Linguistics
  • Art and Literature
  • Art and Philosophy
  • Art and Religion

These topics are addressed in full-length academic articles, critical statements on current issues, developmental practice, and reviews of books and live/media-based visual and performing arts.

The journal presents an innovative platform for researchers, students, practitioners and educators to both learn from and contribute to the field. All articles are subject to initial Editor screening and then a rigorous double-blind peer-review process before publication.

Vol. 22 No. 1 (2024)

The issue is in progress

Published: 2024-05-03

Designing mascot character based on believable agent framework

Peter Ardhianto, Tabita Nani Aryani, Maya Putri Utami

“Sepuh” in puppetry tradition of wayang kulit performance in ruwatan ceremony

Agus Efendi, Harsono Harsono, Adi Deswijaya, Pardiyatmoko Pardiyatmoko

Social solidarity and cultural preservation: the role of female sekaa gong in Ubud

I Wayan Suharta, Ni Luh Desi In Diana Sari, I Gde Made Indra Sadguna

Analysis photo of the year 2006 Indonesian press photo award based on the three visual layers theory

Andry Prasetyo, Guntur Guntur, Santosa Soewarlan, Seno Gumira Ajidarma
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