システムズバイオロジ 1
生駒 : 奈良先端科学技術大学院大学, 2017
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M014158 |
Systems Biology I
授業アーカイブ ; 平成29年度
2017年4月11日:Introduction to Graphs / Networks
2017年4月18日:Complex Network Models, Properties of Protein-Protein Interaction Networks, Handling Multivariate data: Concept and types of metrics, distances etc., Hierarchical clustering, Self organizing Mapping
2017年4月25日:Network Centrality measures, Introduction to PCA and PLS, K-mean clustering, Protein function prediction using network concepts
2017年5月2日:On finding clusters in undirected simple graphs: application to protein complex detection, DPClus software tool, Introduction to DPClusO, Application of DPClus/DPClusO in Omics Research, Concept of BiClustering, Concept of DNA sequencing
2017年5月9日:Reaction system as ordinary differential equations, Reaction system as stochastic process, Metabolic network and stoichiometric matrix, Graph spectral analysis/Graph spectral clustering and its application to metabolic networks, DEVELOPMENT AND MINING OF A VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUND (VOC) DATABASE
2017年5月16日:Introduction to transcriptional networks, Microarray experiments, MA plots, Normalization of microarray data, Tests for differential expression of genes, Multiple testing and FDR, The concept of Line Graphs, Introduction to BLAST
2017年5月23日:Introduction to next generation sequencing, Introduction to signaling pathways, Reverse Engineering of biological networks, Predict functional relations between genes based on expression data, Metabolomics approach for determining growth-specific metabolites based on FT-ICR-MS
講義場所: 情報科学研究科中講義室(L2)
期間: 2017年4月11日から2017年5月30日
Japanese (jpn)
English (eng)