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A new IND-CCA2 NTRU-like Cryptosystem for post-quantum cryptography with security proof in the standard model

A new IND-CCA2 NTRU-like Cryptosystem for post-quantum cryptography with security proof in the standard model


Djiby Sow

生駒 : 奈良先端科学技術大学院大学, 2016.10

Lecture Archive

Volume No.

Total: 1
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  • LA-I-R[MPDASH][Mobile]


Contents Intro.

In this talk, a new IND-CCA2 NTRU-like Cryptosystem is presented. First, we introduce a new hard problem, namely the Decisional Ring Bounded Distance Decoding problem (DR-BDD), and after we propose an NTRU-like encryption scheme over Ideal-lattices (with non-sparse polynomials) which is IND-CPA secure in the standard model relatively to DR-BDD. This last scheme is the same as in NTRU Prime, which is known to block the classical attacks that exploit special structures of the classical rings used in R-LWE based cryptosystems, namely rings of cyclotomic number fields.


Publication year




Series title

情報科学研究科・ゼミナール講演 ; 平成28年度


講演者所属: University Cheikh Anta Diop of Dakar

講演日: 平成28年10月17日

講演場所: 情報科学研究科大講義室L1

Country of publication


Title language

English (eng)

Language of texts

English (eng)

Author information

Sow, Djiby