Temporary Access Restrictions Due to Library Layout Changes
図書館利用者の皆様へ / To Library users
- 【利用制限期間】
- 2025年1月20日(月)~2025年2月5日(水) [予定]
- 上記期間中、製本洋雑誌および書庫所蔵の製本和雑誌はご利用いただけません。
- 1月24日(金)~1月31日(金) の間、閲覧室配架図書の配置移動を行うため、一時的に利用できない図書がございます。
- 閲覧席およびマルチメディアラウンジは期間中も通常通りご利用いただけます。
Due to a planned layout change of library materials, certain resources will be temporarily unavailable during the following periods.
We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your understanding and cooperation.
- Access Restriction Period:
- January 20 (Mon.) - February 5 (Wed.), 2025 [Tentative]
- Bound international journals and bound Japanese journals stored in the library stacks will be unavailable during this period.
- From January 24 (Fri.) to January 31 (Fri.), certain books in the reading room will be temporarily inaccessible due to relocation work.
- Reading seats and the Multimedia Lounge will remain available as usual during this period.