Lecture Archive | Agreement on use of digitized materials


Agreement on use of digitized materials

Agreement on use of digitized materials (MS Forms)

誓約書 [PDF] (for print, Japanese)
Agreement on use of digitized materials [PDF] (for Print, English)

Some of NAIST digitizing materials are available to NAIST members only.
 Faculties and staffs of NAIST
 Students and research students of NAIST
 Researchers who have an employment relationship with NAIST

To access NAIST digitizing material, you have submitted Agreement to confirm your intention to comply with copyright.

Please submit your application throuch "Forms (MS)" using your MS 365 account for NAIST
or write by hand and bring it to the library counter (2nd floor) or send email with attached file. E-mail address is below, "contact information".
Once you have submitted your pledge, you can use NAIST's digitized materials for the duration of your enrolment, so you do not need to submit your pledge more than once.