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G.A.M.A.D [1334-1715]
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G|A|M|E The Italian Journal of Game Studies [2280-7705]
DOAJ Directory of Open Access Journals     Available from 2012 until 2019
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G.E.M.S. [1710-6923]
Free E- Journals     Available from 2002 volume1 until 2008 volume5
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G-Journal of Environmental Science and Technology [2322-021X]
DOAJ Directory of Open Access Journals     Available from 2013 until 2023
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G-Tech (Online) [2580-8737]
DOAJ Directory of Open Access Journals     Available from 2017 until
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G3-Genes Genomes Genetics [2160-1836]
DOAJ Directory of Open Access Journals     Available from 2011 until 2023
Oxford Journals Open Access Collection     Available from 2011/06/01 volume1 issue1 until
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GA Magazine [1476-7600]
Free E- Journals     Available from 2002 volume1 issue1 until
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GAATW e-Bulletin
Free E- Journals     Available from 2005 until
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Gaceta Cultural del Peru
Free E- Journals     Available from 2004 volume1 until
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La gaceta de Cuba [0138-8770]
Free E- Journals     Available from 2015 until
Continues: La Gaceta de Cuba [0435-0251]
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La Gaceta de Cuba [0435-0251]
Continued by: La gaceta de Cuba [0138-8770]
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Gaceta de la Real Sociedad Matematica Española [1138-8927]
Free E- Journals     Available from 1998 volume1 issue1 until
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Gaceta Digital - Diario Oficial, La
Free E- Journals     Available from 2003 volume1 issue1 until
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Gaceta Hispanica de Madrid [1886-1741]
Free E- Journals     Available from 2003 volume1 until
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Gaceta Médica Boliviana [1012-2966]
DOAJ Directory of Open Access Journals     Available from 2014 until
Free E- Journals     Available from 2014 volume37 issue1 until
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Gaceta médica de Bilbao [0304-4858]
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Continues: Gaceta médica del Norte [1132-3973]
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Gaceta Médica de Lima
SISBIB Systema de Bibliotecas de la UNMSM     Available from 1856 volume1 until
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Gaceta Medica de Mexico [0016-3813]
DOAJ Directory of Open Access Journals     Available from 2019 until
Free E- Journals     Available from 2001 volume137 issue1 until
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Gaceta médica del Norte [1132-3973]
Continued by: Gaceta médica de Bilbao [0304-4858]
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Gaceta Médica Espirituana [1608-8921]
DOAJ Directory of Open Access Journals     Available from 1999 until
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Gaceta Médica Estudiantil [2708-5546]
DOAJ Directory of Open Access Journals     Available from 2020 until
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Gaceta mexicana de administración pública estatal y municipal [0185-8599]
Free E- Journals     Available from 1981 issue1 until 2002 issue65
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Gaceta Mexicana de Oncología [1665-9201]
DOAJ Directory of Open Access Journals     Available from 2002 until
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Gaceta Oficial Digital
Free E- Journals     Available from 1903 volume1 until
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Gaceta Sanitaria [0213-9111]
DOAJ Directory of Open Access Journals     Available from 1987 until
Continues: Gaseta sanitària de Barcelona [0212-0542]
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Gaceta Técnica [1856-9560]
DOAJ Directory of Open Access Journals     Available from 2005 until
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Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business [1411-1128]
DOAJ Directory of Open Access Journals     Available from 2016 until
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Gadjah Mada Journal of Professional Psychology [2407-7801]
DOAJ Directory of Open Access Journals     Available from 2015 until
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Gadjah Mada Journal of Psychology [2407-7798]
DOAJ Directory of Open Access Journals     Available from 2015 until
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Gaea: Journal of Geoscience [1808-5261]
Continued by: Gaea : Journal of Geoscience [1983-3628]
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Gaea : Journal of Geoscience [1983-3628]
Free E- Journals     Available from 2006 volume2 issue1 until
Continues: Gaea: Journal of Geoscience [1808-5261]
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Gaéliana [0243-1106]
Absorbed by: Études irlandaises [0183-973X]
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GAFFA [0109-0097]
Free E- Journals     Available from 1983 volume1 issue1 until
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Gagasan Pendidikan Indonesia [2721-9240]
DOAJ Directory of Open Access Journals     Available from 2020 until
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Gaidai bibliotheca [0285-2004]
Freely Accessible Japanese Titles     Available from 1999 until
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GAIMS Journal of Medical Sciences [2583-1763]
DOAJ Directory of Open Access Journals     Available from 2021 until
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Gainesville daily sun [1941-0778]
Chronicling America: Historic American newspapers     Available from 1905/01/01 until 1909/12/31
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The Gainesville star [1941-0794]
Chronicling America: Historic American newspapers     Available from 1903/05/01 until 1904/10/04
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Gait & Posture [0966-6362]
Elsevier SD Health Sciences     Available from 1998 until
Authentication: ”gakunin GakuNin – shibboleth authentication
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Gajah [1391-1996]
DOAJ Directory of Open Access Journals     Available from 2015 until
Free E- Journals     Available from 1986 until
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Galapagos research [1390-2830]
Free E- Journals     Available from 1963 volume1 until
Continues: NOTICIAS DE GALAPAGOS [0550-1067]
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Galaxea, Journal of Coral Reef Studies [1883-0838]
J-STAGE Free     Available from 2008 until
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Galáxia [1519-311X]
DOAJ Directory of Open Access Journals     Available from 2001 until
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Galaxies [2075-4434]
DOAJ Directory of Open Access Journals     Available from 2013 until
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Galaxy [2160-9969]
Absorbed by: Atlantic Monthly [0160-6514]
Absorbed in part by: Atlantic Monthly [0160-6514]
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Galaxy, The: An Illustrated Magazine of Entertaining Reading
Free E- Journals     Available from 1866 volume1 until 1878 volume25
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Galea [2309-5369]
Free E- Journals     Available from 1998 until 2003
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Galeduso: revista do Colexio de Educadores Sociais de Galicia [1696-1730]
Free E- Journals     Available from 2002 until 2015 issue11
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Galicia 21 [2040-7181]
Free E- Journals     Available from 2009 volume1 issue1 until
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Galicia Clínica [0304-4866]
DOAJ Directory of Open Access Journals     Available from 2008 until
Free E- Journals     Available from 1929 until
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