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Los Alamos science [0273-7116]
Free E- Journals     Available from 1980 volume1 until 2006 volume30
Continued by: 1663 (Online) [1942-6631]
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Los Angeles daily herald. (Los Angeles [Calif.]) 1873-1876 [2163-4521]
Chronicling America: Historic American newspapers     Available from 1873/10/02 until 1876/06/30
Continued by: Daily Los Angeles herald. (Los Angeles [Calif.]) 1876-1884 [2163-4645]
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Los Angeles daily herald. (Los Angeles [Calif.]) 1884-1890 [2166-5516]
Chronicling America: Historic American newspapers     Available from 1884/10/07 until 1890/03/22
Continued by: Los Angeles herald. (Los Angeles [Calif.]) 1890-1893 [2166-5494]
Continues: Daily Los Angeles herald. (Los Angeles [Calif.]) 1876-1884 [2163-4645]
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Los Angeles herald. (Los Angeles [Calif.]) 1890-1893 [2166-5494]
Chronicling America: Historic American newspapers     Available from 1890/03/23 until 1893/01/15
Continued by: The herald. (Los Angeles [Calif.]) 1893-1900 [2166-5524]
Continues: Los Angeles daily herald. (Los Angeles [Calif.]) 1884-1890 [2166-5516]
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Los Angeles-Long Beach-Glendale metropolitan division, Los Angeles County
Free E- Journals    
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Les autres voix de la planète [1374-7894]
Free E- Journals     Available from 2003 issue21 until
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Les cahiers de l'AQPF [1925-9158]
Free E- Journals     Available from 2011/01 volume1 issue1 until
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Les Carnets de Bérose [2266-1964]
Free E- Journals     Available from 2013 until
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Les Dossiers de l'ingénierie éducative [1244-6548]
Free E- Journals     Available from 1991 issue1 until 2009 issue66
Continued by: L'École numérique [2105-0384]
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Les dossiers du GREE [1929-0918]
Free E- Journals     Available from 2012 until
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Les études du CERI [1297-8450]
Free E- Journals    
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Les Finances des collectivités locales en ... [1292-3656]
Free E- Journals    
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Les Grands Figures historiques dans les Lettres et les Arts [2261-0871]
DOAJ Directory of Open Access Journals     Available from 2012 until
Free E- Journals     Available from 2012 volume1 issue1 until
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Les indicateurs de l'éducation à la loupe [2226-7093]
Other edition: Education Indicators in Focus [2226-7077]
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Le Journal - Barreau du Québec [0833-921X]
Free E- Journals     Available from 1996 volume28 issue21 until
Continues: Barreau [0381-7016]
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L.A. weekly [0192-1940]
Free E- Journals     Available from 1998 until
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L'activité humaine et l'environnement [1923-676X]
Continues: L'activité humaine et l'environnement [1703-5791]
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L'Aiguadolç [1131-5105]
RACO Revistes Catalanes amb Accés Obert     Available from 1987 until 2022 issue51
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L'Arc [1136-8969]
RACO Revistes Catalanes amb Accés Obert     Available from 1996 volume1 until 2002 volume15
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L'Atzavara [0212-8993]
RACO Revistes Catalanes amb Accés Obert     Available from 2002 volume10 until
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L'autre forum [1718-2506]
Free E- Journals     Available from 1998 volume3 issue1 until
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Free E- Journals     Available from 1915 issue1 until 1916 issue10
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L'Erol [0212-0445]
RACO Revistes Catalanes amb Accés Obert     Available from 1982 issue1 until
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L' Espai [2013-1909]
RACO Revistes Catalanes amb Accés Obert     Available from 1998 issue1 until 2010 issue13
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L'état du Québec [1919-9481]
Free E- Journals     Available from 2009 until
Continues: L'annuaire du Québec [1711-3571]
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L'étoile du Nord [1929-543X]
Other edition: Northstar compass [1200-3387]
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L'Europe des libertés [1622-1109]
Free E- Journals     Available from 2003 until
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L'Exposition populaire illustrée
Free E- Journals     Available from 1867 issue1 until 1867 issue60
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L'express [1660-7457]
Free E- Journals     Available from 2000 until 2005
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L' Homme [0339-543X]
Free E- Journals         Most recent 5 year(s) not available
Continued by: Modes & techniques [0248-0034]
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L'infirmière clinicienne [1923-5577]
Free E- Journals     Available from 2004 volume1 issue1 until
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L'information psychiatrique [0020-0204]
Free E- Journals     Available from 2003 volume79 issue2 until     Most recent 3 year(s) not available
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L'integrazione scolastica e sociale [2724-2242]
Free E- Journals     Available from 2010 volume9 issue1 until
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L'Intelligent [1621-6032]
Free E- Journals     Available from 1999 until
Continued by: Jeune Afrique [1950-1285]
Continues: Jeune Afrique [0021-6089]
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L' Italia forestale e montana [0021-2776]
Free E- Journals     Available from 2000 volume55 issue1 until
Free E- Journals     Available from 2000 volume55 issue1 until
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L'Ordit: l'anuari del CREM [2013-0635]
RACO Revistes Catalanes amb Accés Obert     Available from 2007 issue1 until 2020 issue8
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L&PS: Logic and Philosophy of Science [1826-1043]
Free E- Journals     Available from 2003 volume1 until
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L'Ull crític [1138-4573]
RACO Revistes Catalanes amb Accés Obert     Available from 1989 issue1 until
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L1-Educational Studies in Language and Literature [1567-6617]
Free E- Journals     Available from 2001 volume1 issue1 until
NII-REO Kluwer Full     Available from 2001 volume1 issue1 until 2005 volume5 issue3
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L2 Journal [1945-0222]
DOAJ Directory of Open Access Journals     Available from 2009 until 2021
Free E- Journals    
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La Bretagne linguistique [1270-2412]
DOAJ Directory of Open Access Journals     Available from 2020 until
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La cañada : newsletter of the European Forum on Nature Conservation and Pastoralism [1027-2070]
Free E- Journals     Available from 1994 until
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La casa de Asterion [0124-9282]
Free E- Journals     Available from 2000 until
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La Caverna de Platón [1577-0567]
Free E- Journals     Available from 1997 until
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La Chronique musicale: Revue bimensuelle de l'art ancien et modern
Free E- Journals     Available from 1873 volume1 until 1876 volume11
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La Cible
Free E- Journals     Available from 2009 issue107 until
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La Cité: urbanisme, architecture, art public
Free E- Journals     Available from 1919 volume1 issue1 until 1935 volume13 issue6
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La Cité: urbanisme, architecture, art public
Free E- Journals     Available from 1919 volume1 issue1 until 1935 volume13 issue6
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CORELA. Cognition, représentation, langage [1638-5748]
Free E- Journals     Available from 2003 volume1 issue1 until
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La critica : rivista di letteratura, storia e filosofia [0393-7275]
Free E- Journals     Available from 1903 until 1944
Continued by: Quaderni della "Critica" [0393-7283]
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